Jamoma API  0.6.0.a19
TTScript Class Reference

About line schemas : More...

#include <TTScript.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for TTScript:
+ Collaboration diagram for TTScript:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from TTObjectBase
virtual ~TTObjectBase ()
TTUInt16 getReferenceCount ()
 Query an object to get its current reference count. More...
TTUInt32 getObserverCount () const
 Query an object to get the number of observers. More...
TTErr registerAttribute (const TTSymbol name, const TTDataType type, void *address)
 Register an attribute. More...
TTErr extendAttribute (const TTSymbol name, const TTObjectBasePtr extendedObject, const TTSymbol extendedName)
 Extend the attribute of an existing TTObjectBase to this TTObjectBase (using another attribute name) More...
TTErr removeAttribute (const TTSymbol name)
 Remove an attribute. More...
TTErr findAttribute (const TTSymbol name, TTAttribute **attr)
 Find an attribute. More...
TTErr setAttributeValue (const TTSymbol name, TTValue &value)
 Set an attribute value for an object. More...
template<class T >
TTErr set (const TTSymbol aName, T aValue)
 Set an attribute value for an object This is the same as calling setAttributeValue(). More...
TTErr getAttributeValue (const TTSymbol name, TTValue &value)
 Get an attribute value for an object. More...
template<class T >
TTErr get (const TTSymbol aName, T &aReturnedValue)
 Get an attribute value for an object This is the same as calling getAttributeValue(). More...
TTSymbol getAttributeType (const TTSymbol name)
 Return the type of an attribute as a symbol. More...
TTErr getAttributeGetterFlags (const TTSymbol name, TTAttributeFlags &value)
 Get the getterFlags of an attribute. More...
TTErr setAttributeGetterFlags (const TTSymbol name, TTAttributeFlags &value)
 Set the getterFlags of an attribute. More...
TTErr getAttributeSetterFlags (const TTSymbol name, TTAttributeFlags &value)
 Get the setterFlags of an attribute. More...
TTErr setAttributeSetterFlags (const TTSymbol name, TTAttributeFlags &value)
 Set the setterFlags of an attribute. More...
TTErr registerAttributeProperty (const TTSymbol attributeName, const TTSymbol propertyName, const TTValue &initialValue, TTGetterMethod getter, TTSetterMethod setter)
 Register an attribute property. More...
TTErr registerMessageProperty (const TTSymbol messageName, const TTSymbol propertyName, const TTValue &initialValue, TTGetterMethod getter, TTSetterMethod setter)
 Register an message property. More...
TTErr getAttribute (const TTSymbol name, TTAttributePtr *attributeObject)
 Search for and locate an attribute. More...
TTErr getMessage (const TTSymbol name, TTMessagePtr *messageObject)
 Search for and locate a message. More...
void getAttributeNames (TTValue &attributeNameList)
 Return a list of names of the available attributes. More...
void getMessageNames (TTValue &messageNameList)
 Return a list of names of the available messages. More...
TTSymbol getName () const
 Return the name of this class. More...
TTErr registerMessage (const TTSymbol name, TTMethod method)
 Register a message with this object. More...
TTErr findMessage (const TTSymbol name, TTMessage **message)
 Find a message registered with this object. More...
TTErr removeMessage (const TTSymbol name)
 Remove a message. More...
TTErr sendMessage (const TTSymbol name)
 TODO: Document this function. More...
TTErr registerObserverForMessage (const TTObject &observingObject, const TTSymbol messageName)
 Register an observer for a message. More...
TTErr registerObserverForAttribute (const TTObject &observingObject, const TTSymbol attributeName)
 Register an observer for an attribute. More...
TTErr registerObserverForNotifications (const TTObject &observingObject)
 Register an observer. More...
TTErr unregisterObserverForMessage (const TTObject &observingObject, const TTSymbol messageName)
 Unregister an observer for a message. More...
TTErr unregisterObserverForAttribute (const TTObject &observingObject, const TTSymbol attributeName)
 Unregister an observer for an attribute. More...
TTErr unregisterObserverForNotifications (const TTObject &observingObject)
 Unregister an observer for notifications. More...
TTErr sendNotification (const TTSymbol name, const TTValue &arguments)
 Send a notification. More...
TTErr logMessage (TTImmutableCString fmtstring,...)
 Log messages scoped to this object instance. More...
TTErr logWarning (TTImmutableCString fmtstring,...)
 Log warnings scoped to this object instance. More...
TTErr logError (TTImmutableCString fmtstring,...)
 Log errors scoped to this object instance. More...
TTErr logDebug (TTImmutableCString fmtstring,...)
 Log messages (scoped to this object instance) to output only if the basic debugging flag is enabled in the environment. More...
TTErr lock ()
 Lock the object in order to ensure thread-safe processing. More...
TTErr unlock ()
 Unlock the object when thread-safe processing is no longer required. More...
TTBoolean isLocked ()
 Query if the object currently is locked for thread-safe processing. More...
TTBoolean waitForLock ()
 If the object is locked (e.g. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from TTObjectBase
TTBoolean valid
 If the object isn't completely built, or is in the process of freeing, this will be false.
TTBoolean track
 enable the print of a log message to ease the track of reference counting mechanism on an instance More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TTObjectBase
 TTObjectBase (const TTValue arguments)
 Constructor. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TTObjectBase
TTList observers
 List of all objects watching this object for life-cycle and other changes.

Detailed Description

About line schemas :

kTTSym_command : address : a TTNodeAddress value : the value to send unit : the unit to use ramp : a ramp time

kTTSym_comment : value : the comment

kTTSym_flag : name : the name of the flag value : a TTvalue containing any extra info relative to this flag

Definition at line 40 of file TTScript.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: