Jamoma API  0.6.0.a19
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file
2  *
3  * @ingroup dspFunctionLib
4  *
5  * @brief Unit tests for the Jamoma DSP #TTCircularEaseInFunction of the #TTFunctionLib
6  *
7  * @details Derived from Sam Hocevar's public domain C/C++ implementation of Robert Penner easing functions
8  *
9  * @authors Trond Lossius
10  *
11  * @copyright Copyright © 2014 by Trond Lossius @n
12  * This code is licensed under the terms of the "New BSD License" @n
13  * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/
14  */
17 #include "TTFunction.h"
21 /*
22  * coefficients calculated in Octave using:
24  x = linspace(0,1,128);
25  y = 1 - sqrt(1 - (x .* x));
26  printf("%.16e,\n", y);
27  plot(x,y);
29  */
32 {
33  int errorCount = 0;
34  int testAssertionCount = 0;
35  int badSampleCount = 0;
36  TTAudioSignalPtr input = NULL;
37  TTAudioSignalPtr output = NULL;
38  int N = 128;
39  TTValue v;
42  TTFloat64 inputSignal1[128] = {
43  0.0000000000000000e+00,
44  7.8740157480314960e-03,
45  1.5748031496062992e-02,
46  2.3622047244094488e-02,
47  3.1496062992125984e-02,
48  3.9370078740157480e-02,
49  4.7244094488188976e-02,
50  5.5118110236220472e-02,
51  6.2992125984251968e-02,
52  7.0866141732283464e-02,
53  7.8740157480314960e-02,
54  8.6614173228346455e-02,
55  9.4488188976377951e-02,
56  1.0236220472440945e-01,
57  1.1023622047244094e-01,
58  1.1811023622047244e-01,
59  1.2598425196850394e-01,
60  1.3385826771653542e-01,
61  1.4173228346456693e-01,
62  1.4960629921259844e-01,
63  1.5748031496062992e-01,
64  1.6535433070866140e-01,
65  1.7322834645669291e-01,
66  1.8110236220472442e-01,
67  1.8897637795275590e-01,
68  1.9685039370078738e-01,
69  2.0472440944881889e-01,
70  2.1259842519685040e-01,
71  2.2047244094488189e-01,
72  2.2834645669291337e-01,
73  2.3622047244094488e-01,
74  2.4409448818897639e-01,
75  2.5196850393700787e-01,
76  2.5984251968503935e-01,
77  2.6771653543307083e-01,
78  2.7559055118110237e-01,
79  2.8346456692913385e-01,
80  2.9133858267716534e-01,
81  2.9921259842519687e-01,
82  3.0708661417322836e-01,
83  3.1496062992125984e-01,
84  3.2283464566929132e-01,
85  3.3070866141732280e-01,
86  3.3858267716535434e-01,
87  3.4645669291338582e-01,
88  3.5433070866141730e-01,
89  3.6220472440944884e-01,
90  3.7007874015748032e-01,
91  3.7795275590551181e-01,
92  3.8582677165354329e-01,
93  3.9370078740157477e-01,
94  4.0157480314960631e-01,
95  4.0944881889763779e-01,
96  4.1732283464566927e-01,
97  4.2519685039370081e-01,
98  4.3307086614173229e-01,
99  4.4094488188976377e-01,
100  4.4881889763779526e-01,
101  4.5669291338582674e-01,
102  4.6456692913385828e-01,
103  4.7244094488188976e-01,
104  4.8031496062992124e-01,
105  4.8818897637795278e-01,
106  4.9606299212598426e-01,
107  5.0393700787401574e-01,
108  5.1181102362204722e-01,
109  5.1968503937007871e-01,
110  5.2755905511811019e-01,
111  5.3543307086614167e-01,
112  5.4330708661417326e-01,
113  5.5118110236220474e-01,
114  5.5905511811023623e-01,
115  5.6692913385826771e-01,
116  5.7480314960629919e-01,
117  5.8267716535433067e-01,
118  5.9055118110236215e-01,
119  5.9842519685039375e-01,
120  6.0629921259842523e-01,
121  6.1417322834645671e-01,
122  6.2204724409448819e-01,
123  6.2992125984251968e-01,
124  6.3779527559055116e-01,
125  6.4566929133858264e-01,
126  6.5354330708661412e-01,
127  6.6141732283464560e-01,
128  6.6929133858267720e-01,
129  6.7716535433070868e-01,
130  6.8503937007874016e-01,
131  6.9291338582677164e-01,
132  7.0078740157480313e-01,
133  7.0866141732283461e-01,
134  7.1653543307086609e-01,
135  7.2440944881889768e-01,
136  7.3228346456692917e-01,
137  7.4015748031496065e-01,
138  7.4803149606299213e-01,
139  7.5590551181102361e-01,
140  7.6377952755905509e-01,
141  7.7165354330708658e-01,
142  7.7952755905511806e-01,
143  7.8740157480314954e-01,
144  7.9527559055118113e-01,
145  8.0314960629921262e-01,
146  8.1102362204724410e-01,
147  8.1889763779527558e-01,
148  8.2677165354330706e-01,
149  8.3464566929133854e-01,
150  8.4251968503937003e-01,
151  8.5039370078740162e-01,
152  8.5826771653543310e-01,
153  8.6614173228346458e-01,
154  8.7401574803149606e-01,
155  8.8188976377952755e-01,
156  8.8976377952755903e-01,
157  8.9763779527559051e-01,
158  9.0551181102362199e-01,
159  9.1338582677165348e-01,
160  9.2125984251968507e-01,
161  9.2913385826771655e-01,
162  9.3700787401574803e-01,
163  9.4488188976377951e-01,
164  9.5275590551181100e-01,
165  9.6062992125984248e-01,
166  9.6850393700787396e-01,
167  9.7637795275590555e-01,
168  9.8425196850393704e-01,
169  9.9212598425196852e-01,
170  1.0000000000000000e+00
171  };
174  TTFloat64 expectedSignal1[128] = {
175  0.0000000000000000e+00,
176  3.1000542516923524e-05,
177  1.2400793698474910e-04,
178  2.7903948951946145e-04,
179  4.9612406154420086e-04,
180  7.7530209667364680e-04,
181  1.1166256584350664e-03,
182  1.5201584789065192e-03,
183  1.9859760183806863e-03,
184  2.5141655361817783e-03,
185  3.1048261727940618e-03,
186  3.7580690434828590e-03,
187  4.4740173436133013e-03,
188  5.2528064659050910e-03,
189  6.0945841298823966e-03,
190  6.9995105238144228e-03,
191  7.9677584594659567e-03,
192  8.9995135400142701e-03,
193  1.0094974341518181e-02,
194  1.1254352608361495e-02,
195  1.2477873463130562e-02,
196  1.3765775631422006e-02,
197  1.5118311682118857e-02,
198  1.6535748283716845e-02,
199  1.8018366477327019e-02,
200  1.9566461967031157e-02,
201  2.1180345428315261e-02,
202  2.2860342835365643e-02,
203  2.4606795808067128e-02,
204  2.6420061979607445e-02,
205  2.8300515385658587e-02,
206  3.0248546876179394e-02,
207  3.2264564550958497e-02,
208  3.4348994220101292e-02,
209  3.6502279890754830e-02,
210  3.8724884281458039e-02,
211  4.1017289365611886e-02,
212  4.3379996945673072e-02,
213  4.5813529259798313e-02,
214  4.8318429622795089e-02,
215  5.0895263103379551e-02,
216  5.3544617239891679e-02,
217  5.6267102796791035e-02,
218  5.9063354564431125e-02,
219  6.1934032204813527e-02,
220  6.4879821146234806e-02,
221  6.7901433529975241e-02,
222  7.0999609212432979e-02,
223  7.4175116826389997e-02,
224  7.7428754905397801e-02,
225  8.0761353075611830e-02,
226  8.4173773319766165e-02,
227  8.7666911318388330e-02,
228  9.1241697873794769e-02,
229  9.4899100422899396e-02,
230  9.8640124645405725e-02,
231  1.0246581617454686e-01,
232  1.0637726241819789e-01,
233  1.1037559449891121e-01,
234  1.1446198932223317e-01,
235  1.1863767178355800e-01,
236  1.2290391712476723e-01,
237  1.2726205345301578e-01,
238  1.3171346443526166e-01,
239  1.3625959218351713e-01,
240  1.4090194034734760e-01,
241  1.4564207743187652e-01,
242  1.5048164036150058e-01,
243  1.5542233831171370e-01,
244  1.6046595683389986e-01,
245  1.6561436230074955e-01,
246  1.7086950670310652e-01,
247  1.7623343283262927e-01,
248  1.8170827988871929e-01,
249  1.8729628955280264e-01,
250  1.9299981257833343e-01,
251  1.9882131595094998e-01,
252  2.0476339068015137e-01,
253  2.1082876029185460e-01,
254  2.1702029010040613e-01,
255  2.2334099734927892e-01,
256  2.2979406232204824e-01,
257  2.3638284053962455e-01,
258  2.4311087617650928e-01,
259  2.4998191684850013e-01,
260  2.5699992994737331e-01,
261  2.6416912072530840e-01,
262  2.7149395236407070e-01,
263  2.7897916830227476e-01,
264  2.8662981713977165e-01,
265  2.9445128049298308e-01,
266  3.0244930424094163e-01,
267  3.1063003368154996e-01,
268  3.1900005321449909e-01,
269  3.2756643128573015e-01,
270  3.3633677147384322e-01,
271  3.4531927077871427e-01,
272  3.5452278639624579e-01,
273  3.6395691254316875e-01,
274  3.7363206924877657e-01,
275  3.8355960547874535e-01,
276  3.9375191953007382e-01,
277  4.0422260037710411e-01,
278  4.1498659461396192e-01,
279  4.2606040490891584e-01,
280  4.3746232757506287e-01,
281  4.4921273913314441e-01,
282  4.6133444483505281e-01,
283  4.7385310638462641e-01,
284  4.8679777206928121e-01,
285  5.0020154102178427e-01,
286  5.1410240565223586e-01,
287  5.2854433449062355e-01,
288  5.4357868515938768e-01,
289  5.5926607971160525e-01,
290  5.7567894219503990e-01,
291  5.9290500930045453e-01,
292  6.1105231385107195e-01,
293  6.3025647616145208e-01,
294  6.5069176357765623e-01,
295  6.7258861596390873e-01,
296  6.9626296815770217e-01,
297  7.2216883835626211e-01,
298  7.5100175904185962e-01,
299  7.8393035064547667e-01,
300  8.2322878487682194e-01,
301  8.7475611243632412e-01,
302  1.0000000000000000e+00
303  };
305  // setup Function
306  this->setAttributeValue(TT("function"), TT("easeInCircular"));
309  // create 1 channel audio signal objects
310  TTObjectBaseInstantiate(kTTSym_audiosignal, &input, 1);
311  TTObjectBaseInstantiate(kTTSym_audiosignal, &output, 1);
312  input->allocWithVectorSize(N);
313  output->allocWithVectorSize(N);
315  // create a signal to be transformed and then process it)
316  input->clear();
317  for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
318  input->mSampleVectors[0][i] = inputSignal1[i];
320  this->process(input, output);
322  // now test the output
323  for (int n=0; n<N; n++)
324  {
325  TTBoolean result = !TTTestFloatEquivalence(output->mSampleVectors[0][n], expectedSignal1[n]);
326  badSampleCount += result;
327  if (result)
328  TTTestLog("BAD SAMPLE @ n=%i ( value=%.10f expected=%.10f )", n, output->mSampleVectors[0][n], expectedSignal1[n]);
329  }
331  TTTestAssertion("Produces correct function values",
332  badSampleCount == 0,
333  testAssertionCount,
334  errorCount);
335  if (badSampleCount)
336  TTTestLog("badSampleCount is %i", badSampleCount);
339  TTObjectBaseRelease(&input);
340  TTObjectBaseRelease(&output);
342  // wrap up test results and pass back to whoever called test
343  return TTTestFinish(testAssertionCount, errorCount, returnedTestInfo);
345 }
TTCircularEaseInFunction Unit for Jamoms DSP
bool TTBoolean
Boolean flag, same as Boolean on the Mac.
Definition: TTBase.h:167
TTErr TTObjectBaseRelease(TTObjectBasePtr *anObject)
TTErr setAttributeValue(const TTSymbol name, TTValue &value)
Set an attribute value for an object.
double TTFloat64
64 bit floating point number
Definition: TTBase.h:188
virtual TTErr test(TTValue &returnedTestInfo)
Unit Tests.
#define TT
This macro is defined as a shortcut for doing a lookup in the symbol table.
Definition: TTSymbol.h:155
TTErr clear()
Zero out all of the sample values in the audio signal.
TTErr TTObjectBaseInstantiate(const TTSymbol className, TTObjectBasePtr *returnedObjectPtr, const TTValue arguments)
The TTAudioSignal class represents N vectors of audio samples for M channels.
Definition: TTAudioSignal.h:57
TTSampleValue ** mSampleVectors
An array of pointers to the first sample in each vector. Declared Public for fast access...
Definition: TTAudioSignal.h:74
Jamoma Error Codes Enumeration of error codes that might be returned by any of the TTBlue functions a...
Definition: TTBase.h:342
TTFunction is a generalized function wrapper for Jamoma DSP
TTErr allocWithVectorSize(const TTUInt16 newVectorSize)
Allocate memory for all channels at the specified vectorsize, if the vectorsize is different from the...
Definition: TTValue.h:34