17 #ifndef __TT_AUDIO_OBJECT_H__
18 #define __TT_AUDIO_OBJECT_H__
28 TTObject(kTTSym_audiosignal, aChannelCount)
36 int getVectorSizeAsInt()
38 return instance()->getVectorSizeAsInt();
41 void setVectorSizeWithInt(
int aVectorSize)
43 instance()->setVectorSizeWithInt(aVectorSize);
56 void setNumChannels(
int aChannelCount)
58 instance()->setNumChannels(aChannelCount);
64 return instance()->
setVector(channel, vectorSize, newVector);
70 return instance()->getVectorCopy(channel, theVectorSize, returnedVector);
91 TTObject(kTTSym_audiosignalarray, aChannelCount)
99 void setStreamCount(
TTInt32 newStreamCount)
109 instance()->setSignal(index, aStream.instance());
117 instance()->setSignal(index, aSignal);
123 return instance()->getSignal(index);
126 void allocAllWithVectorSize(
TTUInt16 vs)
128 instance()->allocAllWithVectorSize(vs);
133 return instance()->getVectorSize();
138 return instance()->getMaxNumChannels();
143 instance()->matchNumChannels(anotherArray.instance());
150 return process(inputs.instance(), outputs.instance());
192 return process(*out.instance());
242 #endif // __TT_AUDIO_OBJECT_H__
std::uint16_t TTUInt16
16 bit unsigned integer
TTErr calculate(const TTFloat64 &x, TTFloat64 &y)
Calculate a single sample of output for a single sample of input.
Create Jamoma object instances.
void setMaxNumAudioSignals(TTChannelCount newMaxNumAudioSignals)
Note: calling this function will invalidate all audioSignal pointers contained within the array...
TTErr adaptMaxChannelCount(const TTUInt16 aNewChannelCount)
Allocate neccessary memory and make configuration adjustments so the object is able to process additi...
Wrap TTAudioSignalArray instances for convenience.
Constructor to create an empyt container which will be assigned/copied-to at a later point...
Create and use Jamoma object instances.
TTErr calculate(const TTFloat64 &x, TTFloat64 &y)
Calculate a single sample of output for a single sample of input.
TTAudioObjectBase is the Jamoma DSP Audio Object Base Class
Wrap audio objects for convenience.
TTAudioObject(const TTObject &anOtherObject)
like a copy constructor – but from TTObject to TTAudioObject
double TTFloat64
64 bit floating point number
TTErr setVector(const TTChannelCount channel, const TTUInt16 vectorSize, const TTSampleValuePtr newVector)
TTAudioObjectBase * TTAudioObjectBasePtr
Pointer to a TTAudioObjectBase.
TTErr clear()
Zero out all of the sample values in the audio signal.
The TTSymbol class is used to represent a string and efficiently pass and compare that string...
TTErr adaptMaxNumChannels(const TTChannelCount newMaxNumChannels)
Increase the maxNumChannels attribute, if neccessary.
The TTAudioSignal class represents N vectors of audio samples for M channels.
TTSampleValue ** mSampleVectors
An array of pointers to the first sample in each vector. Declared Public for fast access...
TTErr process(TTAudioSignal &in, TTAudioSignal &out)
Process the input signal, resulting in an output signal.
std::int32_t TTInt32
32 bit signed integer
TTUInt16 TTChannelCount
Data type used when counting the number of channels in multi-channel audio signals and processes...
TTErr calculate(const TTValue &x, TTValue &y)
Calculate a single sample of output for a single sample of input.
A simple container for an array of TTAudioSignal pointers.
Jamoma Error Codes Enumeration of error codes that might be returned by any of the TTBlue functions a...
std::uint32_t TTUInt32
32 bit unsigned integer
TTErr setSampleRate(const TTUInt32 &newSampleRate)
Convenience method for updating the sample-rate.
TTErr allocWithVectorSize(const TTUInt16 newVectorSize)
Allocate memory for all channels at the specified vectorsize, if the vectorsize is different from the...
TTErr setSampleRate(const TTUInt32 &newSampleRate)
Set the object's sample rate.
TTFloat64 TTSampleValue
A value representing a single audio sample.
Wrap TTAudioSignal instances for convenience.
TTChannelCount numAudioSignals
The number of audio signal pointers which are actually valid.
TTErr alloc()
Allocate memory for all channels at the current vectorsize.