17 #ifndef __JAMOMA_MODULAR_FOR_PD_H__
18 #define __JAMOMA_MODULAR_FOR_PD_H__
23 #include "TTNodeDirectory.h"
TTSymbol kTTSym_Jamoma;
TTObject JamomaApplicationManager;
TTObject JamomaApplication;
TTString* ModelPatcherFormat;
TTString* ModelPresetFormat;
TTString* ViewPresetFormat;
TTString* HelpPatcherFormat;
TTString* RefpageFormat;
TTString* DocumentationFormat;
49 #define ModelPatcher "model"
50 #define ViewPatcher "view"
52 #define JamomaDebug if (accessApplicationLocalDebug)
582 #endif // __JAMOMA_MODULAR_FOR_PD_H__
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_sender_send(TTObject &aSender, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Send Max data using a TTSender object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_output_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedOutput)
Create a TTOutput object for signal.
bool TTBoolean
Boolean flag, same as Boolean on the Mac.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForModule
A global regex to parse .module.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_input_send(TTObject &anInput, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Send any signal to a TTInput object.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_args(t_canvas *patcher, long *argc, t_atom **argv)
Convenient method to get the patcher argument easily.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForModel
A global regex to parse .model.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_context(t_canvas **patcher, TTSymbol &returnedContext)
Get the context from the upper jcom model|view in the patcher or from patcher's name.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_share_node(t_canvas *, TTNodePtr *patcherNode)
Get patcher's node from the root jcom model|view in the patcher.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_node_info_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedNodeInfo)
Create a TTNodeInfo object.
We build a directory of TTNodes, and you can request a pointer for any TTNode, or add an observer to ...
t_symbol JAMOMA_EXPORT * jamoma_parse_dieze(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *address)
Parse #N inside address and replace them by parent patcher arguments if there are.
TTHashPtr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_explorer_default_filter_bank(void)
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_ttvalue_to_Atom(const TTValue &v, long *argc, t_atom **argv)
Make an Atom array from a TTValue.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_ttvalue_from_Atom(TTValue &v, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Make a TTValue from Atom array.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_receiver_create_audio(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedReceiver)
Create a TTReceiver object for audio signal.
The TTAddress class is used to represent a string and efficiently pass and compare that string...
Create and use Jamoma object instances.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForView
A global regex to parse .view.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_model_or_view(t_canvas *patcher, t_object **returnedModelOrView)
Get j.model or j.view of a patcher.
Various utilities for interfacing with Pd that are not specific to JamomaModular as such...
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_input_output(t_canvas *patcher, TTBoolean &dataInput, TTBoolean &dataOutput, TTBoolean &audioInput, TTBoolean &audioOutput)
Look into the given patcher to know if there are data or audio inputs and outputs.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_signal(const TTValue &baton, const TTValue &v)
Return any signal.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_model_patcher(t_canvas *patcher, TTSymbol modelClass, t_object **returnedModelPatcher)
Get the "aClass.model" external in the patcher.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_mapper_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedMapper)
Create a TTMapper object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_output_create_audio(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedOutput)
Create an output object for audio signal.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_signal_audio(const TTValue &baton, const TTValue &v)
Return audio signal.
Maintain a collection of TTValue objects indexed by TTSymbol pointers.
double TTFloat64
64 bit floating point number
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_input_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedInput)
Create a #TTInput object for signal.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_cueManager_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedCueManager)
Create a #TTCueManager object.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForJmod
A global regex to parse jmod. (usefull to detect a 0.5 module)
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_ramp_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedRamp)
Create a TTRamp object.
TTBoolean JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_ui(t_object *patcher)
Look into the given patcher to know if there is a j.ui.
TTUInt32 JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_parse_bracket(t_symbol *s, TTString &si_format, TTString &ss_format)
Returned the N inside "pp/xx.[N]/yyy" and a format string as "pp/xx.%d/yy" and a format string as "pp...
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForJcom
A global regex to parse j.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_container_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedContainer)
Create a TTContainer object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_info(t_canvas *obj, t_canvas **returnedPatcher, TTSymbol &returnedContext, TTSymbol &returnedClass, TTSymbol &returnedName)
Get all context info from an object (his patcher and the context, the class and the name of his patch...
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_name(t_canvas *patcher, TTSymbol context, TTSymbol &returnedName)
Get the name of the patcher from his arguments.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_get_class(t_canvas *patcher, TTSymbol context, TTSymbol &returnedClass)
Get the class of the patcher from the file name (removing .model and .view convention name if they ar...
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_viewer_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedViewer)
Create a #TTViewer object.
t_symbol JAMOMA_EXPORT * jamoma_patcher_get_hierarchy(t_canvas *patcher)
Get the hierarchy of the patcher : bpatcher, subpatcher or toplevel.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_edit_numeric_instance(TTString format, t_symbol **returnedName, long i)
Edit a new instance of the given format address using interger.
The TTSymbol class is used to represent a string and efficiently pass and compare that string...
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_output_send(TTObject &anOutput, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Send any signal to a TTOutput object.
TTSymbol JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_file_read(t_object *x, long argc, t_atom *argv, t_fourcc filetype)
Get BOOT style filepath from args or, if no args open a dialog to read a file.
t_symbol JAMOMA_EXPORT * jamoma_TTName_To_PdName(TTSymbol TTName)
Convert a TTSymbol "MyObjectMessage" into a t_symbol *"my/object/message" or return NULL if the TTSym...
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_container_send(TTObject &aContainer, t_symbol *relativeAddressAndAttribute, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Send Max data to a node (e.g., a j.parameter object) using a TTContainer object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_sender_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedSender)
Create a TTSender object.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_edit_filename(TTString format, TTSymbol className, t_symbol **returnedFileName)
Edit a file name from a given file format and a class name.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_edit_string_instance(TTString format, t_symbol **returnedName, TTString s)
Edit a new instance of the given format address using string.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForPdhelp
A global regex to parse .maxhelp.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_subscriber_get_patcher_list(t_eobj *x, TTList &aContextListToFill)
Get the
list above an external.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_receiver_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedReceiver)
Create a TTReceiver object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_data_command(TTObject &aData, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Set the TTData value attribute using the #TTData::Command method.
Jamoma Error Codes Enumeration of error codes that might be returned by any of the TTBlue functions a...
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_subscriber_create(t_eobj *x, TTObject &anObject, TTAddress relativeAddress, TTObject &returnedSubscriber, TTSymbol &returnedAddress, TTNodePtr *returnedNode, TTNodePtr *returnedContextNode)
Create a #TTSubscriber object and register a TTObject into the tree or, if aTTObject is NULL...
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_value(const TTValue &baton, const TTValue &v)
Return the value to a j.
TTSymbol JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_file_write(t_object *x, long argc, t_atom *argv, char *default_filename)
Get BOOT style filepath from args or, if no args open a dialog to write a file.
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForPdpat
A global regex to parse .maxpat.
std::uint32_t TTUInt32
32 bit unsigned integer
JAMOMA_EXPORT TTRegex * ttRegexForBracket
A global regex to parse [ and ].
References an object using a name, an instance and any contextual environnement information.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_input_create_audio(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedInput)
Create a #TTInput object for audio signal.
TTBoolean JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_extern_load(t_symbol *objectname, long argc, const t_atom *argv, t_object **object)
Load an external for internal use.
Handles any signal output.
A contextual subscriber to register TTObject as TTNode in a TTNodeDirectory.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_presetManager_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedPresetManager)
Create a #TTPresetManager object.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_address(const TTValue &baton, const TTValue &v)
Return an address to a j.
The TTString class is used to represent a string.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_ramped_value(void *o, TTUInt32 n, TTFloat64 *v)
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_callback_return_value_typed(const TTValue &baton, const TTValue &v)
Return the value to a j.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_ttvalue_to_typed_Atom(const TTValue &v, t_symbol **msg, long *argc, t_atom **argv, TTBoolean &shifted)
Make a typed Atom array from a TTValue.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_explorer_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedExplorer)
Create a TTExplorer object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_sender_create_audio(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedSender)
Create a TTSender object for audio signal.
void JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_patcher_share_info(t_canvas *patcher, t_canvas **returnedPatcher, TTSymbol &returnedContext, TTSymbol &returnedClass, TTSymbol &returnedName)
Get all context info from the root jcom model|view in the patcher.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_viewer_send(TTObject &aViewer, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
Send Max data using a #TTViewer object.
TTErr JAMOMA_EXPORT jamoma_data_create(t_object *x, TTObject &returnedData, TTSymbol service)
Create a TTData object.