Jamoma API  0.6.0.a19
1 #include "JSONChildren.h"
2 #include "JSONNode.h"
4 /*
5  * reserves a certain number of bytes, in memory saving mode it creates a special
6  * type of child container that will not autoshrink
7  */
8 void jsonChildren::reserve2(jsonChildren *& mine, json_index_t amount) json_nothrow {
9  if (mine -> array != 0){
10  if (mine -> mycapacity < amount){
11  mine -> inc(amount - mine -> mycapacity);
13  mine = jsonChildren_Reserved::newChildren_Reserved(mine, amount);
14  #endif
15  }
16  } else {
17  mine -> reserve(amount);
18  }
19 }
21 void jsonChildren::inc(void) json_nothrow {
22  JSON_ASSERT(this != 0, JSON_TEXT("Children is null inc"));
23  if (json_unlikely(mysize == mycapacity)){ //it's full
24  if (json_unlikely(mycapacity == 0)){ //the array hasn't been created yet
25  JSON_ASSERT(!array, JSON_TEXT("Expanding a 0 capacity array, but not null"));
27  array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(1);
28  mycapacity = 1;
29  #else
30  array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(8); //8 seems average for JSON, and it's only 64 bytes
31  mycapacity = 8;
32  #endif
33  } else {
35  mycapacity += 1; //increment the size of the array
36  #else
37  mycapacity <<= 1; //double the size of the array
38  #endif
39  array = json_realloc<JSONNode*>(array, mycapacity);
40  }
41  }
42 }
45 void jsonChildren::inc(json_index_t amount) json_nothrow {
46  JSON_ASSERT(this != 0, JSON_TEXT("Children is null inc(amount)"));
47  if (json_unlikely(amount == 0)) return;
48  if (json_likely(mysize + amount >= mycapacity)){ //it's full
49  if (json_unlikely(mycapacity == 0)){ //the array hasn't been created yet
50  JSON_ASSERT(!array, JSON_TEXT("Expanding a 0 capacity array, but not null"));
52  array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(amount);
53  mycapacity = amount;
54  #else
55  array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(amount > 8 ? amount : 8); //8 seems average for JSON, and it's only 64 bytes
56  mycapacity = amount > 8 ? amount : 8;
57  #endif
58  } else {
60  mycapacity = mysize + amount; //increment the size of the array
61  #else
62  while(mysize + amount > mycapacity){
63  mycapacity <<= 1; //double the size of the array
64  }
65  #endif
66  array = json_realloc<JSONNode*>(array, mycapacity);
67  }
68  }
69 }
71 //actually deletes everything within the vector, this is safe to do on an empty or even a null array
72 void jsonChildren::deleteAll(void) json_nothrow {
73  JSON_ASSERT(this != 0, JSON_TEXT("Children is null deleteAll"));
74  json_foreach(this, runner){
75  //JSON_ASSERT(*runner != JSON_TEXT('\0'), JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
76  JSONNode::deleteJSONNode(*runner); //this is why I can't do forward declaration
77  }
78 }
80 void jsonChildren::doerase(JSONNode ** position, json_index_t number) json_nothrow {
81  JSON_ASSERT(this != 0, JSON_TEXT("Children is null doerase"));
82  JSON_ASSERT(array != 0, JSON_TEXT("erasing something from a null array 2"));
83  JSON_ASSERT(position >= array, JSON_TEXT("position is beneath the start of the array 2"));
84  JSON_ASSERT(position + number <= array + mysize, JSON_TEXT("erasing out of bounds 2"));
85  if (position + number >= array + mysize){
86  mysize = (json_index_t)(position - array);
87  #ifndef JSON_ISO_STRICT
88  JSON_ASSERT((long long)position - (long long)array >= 0, JSON_TEXT("doing negative allocation"));
89  #endif
90  } else {
91  std::memmove(position, position + number, (mysize - (position - array) - number) * sizeof(JSONNode *));
92  mysize -= number;
93  }
94 }